Kathye Armitage Announces Re-Election Bid for Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board


Kathye Armitage has announced her re-election campaign for the Division 3 seat on the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board in the 2024 election, seeking a four-year term. Supported by Jenna Sickenius of the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats and Sarah Jakle of DemocraShe, Armitage is praised for her leadership and commitment to local governance and community engagement.


June 30, 2024 - Kathye Armitage has announced her candidacy for re-election to the Board of Directors of the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency, representing Division 3. Armitage, who was first elected to the board in 2020, is running for a full four-year term in the upcoming 2024 election, where two positions will be contested: a full four-year term and a two-year term.


Kathye Armitage held her campaign launch event in Santa Clarita on June 29, 2024. It was a packed house with dozens of supporters from different organizations and backgrounds excited to support Armitage’s reelection.


Jenna Sickenius, chair of the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats, praised Armitage's dedication and service, underscoring the importance of electing down-ballot candidates. She said that after watching the Presidential debate between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, she realized that modern politics had become “really loud lies versus really soft truth.” Kathye Armitage, said Sickenius, is always ready to fight “B.S. on that board”.


“Kathye is there, ready to go, researched with the facts, fighting what they’re doing,” Sickenius said.


“How do we get people excited about this election cycle?” Sickenius continued. “And I think that the most exciting thing in the world is making sure that our communities elect people down the ballot that they know. said it this morning in our canvas if you were there, but you can like get a beer with Kathy. But everyone's so concerned about electing people they can run into at the grocery store or, you know, grab a beer with. You can run into Kathy at the grocery store. You can hang out with her in her mom's backyard right now. She understands. She understands you. She understands our community. She understands what we need. She listens to our community. And she is protecting our community and protecting our water. And I genuinely can't think of anything more important and exciting than this woman right here and the work she's doing.”


Former Santa Clarita Valley Water Board member Lynne Plambeck also praised Kathye Armitage and told her supporters that reelecting her to the Water Board is essential. Plambeck pointed out that her opponents, which included corporate developers, had outspent her by almost 6 times in 2020. Plambeck ran for reelection against Maria Gutzeit in 2020. Despite being outspent, Plambeck lost by only several hundred votes.


Sarah Jakle, the founder and executive director of DemocraShe, also commended Armitage, highlighting her effective leadership and the crucial role she plays on the Water Board.


“We know what she can do,” Jakle said about Kathye Armitage. “If we want our water to be here in 25 years, this is who we need on the board.”


Jakle, with a background as the Get Out The Vote Director for the California National Organization for Women and National Outreach Director for Field Team 6, emphasized the importance of Armitage's re-election. Through DemocraShe, Jakle is dedicated to inspiring and empowering female-identifying high school students to become future elected leaders, fostering a new generation of intersectional female activists, advocates, and elected officials. This mission aligns closely with Armitage’s commitment to community engagement and public service.


“Thank you to all of those that supported me back in 2020,” Kathye Armitage told her supporters. “When we all ran in 2020, we didn't really get a chance to celebrate any victories because we were in lockdown. And so I felt a little shorted that we didn't get to do that. So I feel like part of today is also that celebration of thank you for everything that everybody did to help me get elected back in 2020.”


Kathye, a candidate for the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Board, is making water quality, affordability, and sustainability the cornerstones of her campaign. Recognizing water as a fundamental resource for residents and businesses alike, Kathye has outlined a comprehensive plan to ensure clean, reliable, and accessible water for all.


Santa Clarita Valley candidate Kathye is campaigning on a platform of ensuring clean, affordable, and sustainable water. Her plan includes prioritizing contaminant removal, securing funding to keep water bills low, and promoting water conservation through measures like native plants and exempting trees from watering restrictions. She also supports disaster preparedness plans and increased public participation through hybrid meetings and recordings.


Kathye Armitage launched a reelection website at https://www.votekathyearmitage.org/.


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